Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Daniel had his first baseball game tonight. He is on the Reedley River Cats and his naickname is "Lightning"
It's not really a game at this age. They play two innings and everyone gets a turn to bat. But they all had a lot of fun.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Easter Baking

After church, we got ready for Easter
and celebrating Matt's Birthday
by making a Strawberry Trifle
(Grandma Jill's specialty!)
It was yummy!

Daniel and Baseball

Daniel has started his first season of baseball (technically "mini-ball" at this age). This weekend some of the high school players came out and gave a clinic for the kids. Daniel had a lot of fun and was able to work on hitting, catching, and throwing. His first game is this Tuesday and he can hardly wait!

Fifth Grade Field Trip

Last week Emily's class went to Berkley for a field trip to Lawrence Hall Museum of Science. It was a long drive but a lot of fun overall. I had a terrible sinus infection, so that made the drive even longer. But, I had great company to share the ride with. Here are some pictures we took during our day.

The View of the bay and the bridges
We learned about "The Amazing Brain"
and made a hypothesis
 about different animals brains.
After that we were able to
 hold and observe some of the animals.
Then we got to experiment with
and discover the properties of dry ice.
Is it a gas? A liquid? Or a solid?

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Quick Explanation

What follows is an attempt to multi-task
by 1) getting the old photos out of my camera and
2) burning some time since I cannot sleep anyway
(Thank you loud-disrespectful neighbors
who party way too late, way too often and are way too loud until 3am).

Wheh, I got off track there - it must be the lack of sleep.

So, please (all 1 of you who read this)
 excuse my marathon photo posts
 and lack of words,
 but here is a look into some interesting moments
from the last few months.

Daniel Bakes Cookies

Daniel wanted to bake some cookies all by himself, so...
He measured
Cracked eggs
Dropped shells
Retrieved shells
Mixed ingredients
Performed a Quality Control
Stirred in the most important ingredient!
Sshhh...Added the secret ingredient
And Now...THE MESS
The Drop
The Lick...uuhhhumm, I mean Quality Control #2
Ready? for the oven?
Time to share the GOLD (DOUGH that is...)
Cute Distraction
Waa..Laa  Finished!
Checking for Chewiness...Yep, that's good
The Offering

Sunday Shenanigans

So what did you do on this beautiful, un-winter-like, day? Our family headed up to a shooting range on a friend's property and took turn...